Public Auto Auctions
Wichita Auto Auction is an auto auction open to the public and is located in Wichita, KS. Our public car auctions sell vehicles from dealer trade-ins, repossessions, lease ends and more. At Wichita Auto Auction we want you to buy with confidence.
Wichita Auto Auction has decided to suspend upcoming live auctions after Gov. Kelly announced June 22,2020 that the state of Kansas remain in Phase 3 of “Ad Astra Plan” with the number of COVID-19 cases trend upward.
Wichita Auto Auction will remain open during normal business hours Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm and Saturdays 9am-Noon.
We will continue to sell the inventory that has been consigned. Watch our Facebook page and website for auction updates and inventory.
Key Phase 3 highlights for communities:
• Mass gatherings of more than 45 individuals are not recommended;
• All education, activities, venues and establishments may operate and are recommended to follow all public health guidelines;
• On-site staffing has no recommended restrictions;
• Nonessential travel may resume, provided travelers follow KDHE travel and quarantine guidelines for travel to high-risk areas.…/